Autism, Sensory Sensitivities

Image result for sensory system autism

I have come to realize the sensory system in Isaiah could be a reason why he is resistant to many things. I don't want to push him or force him to do something that his sensory deems as unsafe or uncomfortable. It we can relate this to neurotypical behavior, we may for example, avoid eating certain foods because of flavor, texture, etc. And asking an autistic child to do something could be detrimental more than helpful. I think forcing an autistic child to do something they are not comfortable with can cause anxiety and maybe even cause more stimming for the child to deal with it. The autistic mind may be different but to the autistic child it is normal. 

So how do we fix this? Because society and the school system wants to make children more like (those their age) and force them to be neurotypical I think me as a parent should do what I deem as best for my son. The best thing I can do is allow him to be himself and do what he needs to do that helps him cope in uncomfortable situations and surroundings.


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